1996 Ph.D. SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA
1986 B.Sc. Biochemistry/Medical Technology-Universidad Austral de Chile
2010 — present Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1999-2009 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology.
SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1996-1998 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Cardiovascular and
Muscle Research, SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1988-1990 Research Instructor, SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1986-1988 Research Assistant, Avian Pathology, University Austral of Chile
Other Appointments
2013 to present President MedHeximLLC Diagnostic and Therapeutics East Northport, NY
2013 Adjunct Professor Spring
2013 Adelphi University Human Genetics
2012 Adjunct Professor
Fall 2012 SUNY College at Old Westbury Basic Biology 1
2012 – 2013 Lecturer
SUNY Downstate Medical School MS1 Musculoskeletal block
“Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function”
2007 – 2008 Lecturer
SUNY Downstate Medical School MS2 Gastrointestinal block
“Acquired and Adaptive Immunity of the Gastrointestinal System”
2007 – 2014 Instructor
SUNY Downstate Medical School MS2 Microbiology Laboratory
Theses Co-Advisor-School of Graduate Studies at SUNY-Downstate Medical Center.
2007 to 2010 Cross-talk between calcineurin/NFAT and Jak/Stat signaling induces cardioprotective alpha crystalline gene expression in response to hypertrophic stimuli. Ph.D. Degree Irena Manukian
2004 to 2007 CLP-1 associates with MyoD and HDAC to restore skeletal muscle cell regeneration. Ph.D. Degree Josephine Galatioto
2004 to 2007 Pivotal role of cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) in transcriptional elongation factor P-TEFb complex formation in cardiac hypertrophy. Ph.D. Degree Dr. Jorge Espinoza-Derout
2004 to 2006 Effective attenuation of pressure overload hypertrophy development by specific inhibition of Jak2 kinase activity in vivo.
Ph.D. Degree Dr. Daniel Beckles MD. Ph.D.
2001 to 2004 Dehydroascorbic acid inhibits hypoxia-induced damage in cardiomyocytes and ischemic hearts. Ph.D. Degree Dr. Victor Guaiquil
2000 to 2004 Activation of Jak/Stat pathway for the regulation of angiotensinogen expression: a mechanism for control of the renin angiotensin system in liver. PhD Degree Dr. Yueling Guo.
2003 First patent award – Research Foundation, State University of New York, USA.
1994 American Society of Cell Biology, Travel Fellowship.
1993 Graduate Fellowship, State University of New York, USA.
Funding History
New York Department of Health
2015-present: Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Title: Characterization of Hexim1 as a biomarker in prostate cancer
PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD
Funding: $85,000
2015-present: Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Title: Molecular Analysis of Cardio-metabolic Diseases
PI: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD
Co-PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD
Funding: SUNY DMC $50,000 initial start-up VA Merit Award:
2012 to 2017 The role of CLP-1 in cardiac Fibrosis and heart failure.
Total $ 1,000,000.00
Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
PI: Dr. MAQ Siddiqui,PhD
Co-PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD
As a co-PI at Dr. MAQ Siddiqui’s lab, I conceived, contributed and drafted this proposal.
2013 Hexim-1 as a target of leptin signaling regulates obesity and diabetes.US PCT/US2013/045985.
2012 Method for diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
US PCT/US2012/030105.
2011 Methods of treating or preventing rna polymerase dependent viral disorders by administration of Jak2 inhibitors- PCT Patent
2007 Method for reducing hypertension and heart failure US Patent 7,235,588.
2002 Method for reducing hypertrophy and ischemia US Patent 6,433,018.
1. Mascareno E, Gupta R, Martello LA, Dhar-Mascareno M, Salciccioli L, Beckles D, Walsh MG, Machado FS, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2017) Rapidly progressive course of Trypanosome cruzi infection in mice heterozygous for hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible 1 (Hexim1) gene. Microbes Infect. S1286-4579(17) 30145-4 PMID 28951318.
2. Dhar-Mascareno M, Rozenberg I, Iqbal J, Hussain MM, Beckles D, Mascareno E. (2017) Hexim1 heterozygosity stabilizes atherosclerotic plaque and decreases steatosis in ApoE null mice fed atherogenic diet. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 83: 56-64. PMID 28013147
3. Dhar-Mascareno M, Ramirez SN, Rozenberg I, Rouille Y, Kral JG, Mascareno EJ. (2016) Hexim1, a novel regulator of Leptin function, modulates obesity and glucose disposal. Mol Endocrinol 30(3): 314-24. PMID: 26859361
4. Martello LA, Wadgaonkar R, Gupta R, Machado FS, Walsh MG, Mascareno E, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2013) Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi infectivity, proliferation, and cytokine patterns in gut and pancreatic epithelial cells maintained in vitro. Parasitol Res. 2013 112 (12) 4177-83.
5. Mascareno E, Galatioto J, Rozenberg I, Salciccioli L, Kamran H, Lazar JM, Liu F, Pedrazzini T, Siddiqui MA. (2012) Cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) regulates cardiac remodeling via transcriptional modulation of diverse hypertrophic and fibrotic responses and angiotensin II-transforming growth factor β (TGF-β1) signaling axis. J Biol Chem. Apr 13; ; 287(16):13084-93.
6. Mascareno EJ, Belashov I, Siddiqui MA, Liu F, Dhar-Mascareno M.(2012) Hexim-1 modulates androgen receptor and the TGF-β signaling during the progression of prostate cancer. Prostate. Jun 15;72(9):1035-44
1. Mascareno E, Gupta R, Martello LA, Dhar-Mascareno M, Salciccioli L, Beckles D, Walsh MG, Machado FS, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2017) Rapidly progressive course of Trypanosome cruzi infection in mice heterozygous for hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible 1 (Hexim1) gene. Microbes Infect. S1286-4579(17) 30145-4 PMID 28951318.
2. Dhar-Mascareno M, Rozenberg I, Iqbal J, Hussain MM, Beckles D, Mascareno E. (2017) Hexim1 heterozygosity stabilizes atherosclerotic plaque and decreases steatosis in ApoE null mice fed atherogenic diet. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 83: 56-
64. PMID 28013147
3. Dhar-Mascareno M, Ramirez SN, Rozenberg I, Rouille Y, Kral JG, Mascareno EJ. (2016) Hexim1, a novel regulator of Leptin function, modulates obesity and glucose disposal. Mol Endocrinol 30(3): 314-24. PMID: 26859361
4. Martello LA, Wadgaonkar R, Gupta R, Machado FS, Walsh MG, Mascareno E, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2013) Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi infectivity, proliferation, and cytokine patterns in gut and pancreatic epithelial
cells maintained in vitro. Parasitol Res. 2013 112 (12) 4177-83.
5. Mascareno E, Galatioto J, Rozenberg I, Salciccioli L, Kamran H, Lazar JM, Liu F, Pedrazzini T, Siddiqui MA. (2012) Cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) regulates cardiac remodeling via transcriptional modulation of diverse hypertrophic and fibrotic responses and angiotensin II-transforming growth factor β (TGF-β1) signaling axis. J Biol Chem. Apr 13; ; 287(16):13084-93.
6. Mascareno EJ, Belashov I, Siddiqui MA, Liu F, Dhar-Mascareno M.(2012) Hexim-1 modulates androgen receptor and the TGF-β signaling during the progression of prostate cancer. Prostate. Jun 15;72(9):1035-44.
7. Galatioto J, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2010) CLP-1 associates with MyoD and HDAC to restore skeletal muscle regeneration. J Cell Sci. 2010, 123: 3789-3795.
8. Manukyan I, Galatioto J, Mascareno E, Bhaduri S, Siddiqui MAQ (2010) Crosstalk between Calcineurin/NFAT and Jak/STAT signaling induces cardioprotective B-crystallin gene expression in response to hypertrophic stimuli J Cell Mol Med 14(6B):1707-16.
8. Gurusamy N, Lekli I, Ahsan MK, Ray D, Mukherjee S, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ, and Das DK. (2010) Downregulation of Cardiac Lineage Protein-1 confers cardioprotection through the upregulation of Redox effectors FEBS Letters
584:187- 193.
9. Mascareno E, Beckles D, Dhar-Mascareno M, Siddiqui MAQ (2009) Enhanced hypertrophy in ob/ob mice due to an impairment in the expression of atrial natriuretic peptide. Vasc Pharmacol 51: 198-204.
10. Epinoza-Derout J, Wagner M, Salciccioli L, Lazar JM, Bhaduri S, Mascareno E, Chaqouir B, Siddiqui MA (2009) Positive transcription elongation factor B activity in compensatory myocardial hypertrophy is regulated by cardiac lineage protein-1. Circ Res 104: 1347-1354.
11. Dhar-Mascareno M, Mascareno E, Golde D (2009) Early signaling by VEGF and PIGF in human bone marrow derived endothelial cells in mediated by superoxide. J Vasc Res 46: 601-608.
12. Mascareno E, Manukyan I, Das DK, Siddiqui MAQ (2009) Downregulation of cardiac lineage protein (CLP-1) expression in CLP-1 +/- mice affords cardioprotection against ischemic stress. J Cell Mol Med 13(8B):2744-53.
13. Mathew S, Galatioto J, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2009) Repression of the cardiac Myosin light chain-2 gene in skeletal muscle requires site specific association of antithetic regulator, Nished, and HDACs. J Cell Mol Med 13(8B):1952-61.
14. Espinoza-Derout J, Wagner M, Shahmiri K, Mascareno E, Chaqour B, Siddiqui MA (2007) Pivotal role of cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) in transcriptional elongation factor P-TEFb complex formation in cardiac hypertrophy. Cardiovasc Res 75:129-138.
15. Beckles DL, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2006) Inhibition of Jak2 phosphorylation attenuates pressure overload cardiac hypertrophy. Vascul Pharmacol 45:350-357.
16.Mascareno E, Beckles DL, Siddiqui MAQ (2005) Janus Kinase-2 signaling mediates apoptosis in rat cardiomyocytes. Vascul Pharmacol 43(5):327-335.
17.Guaiquil VH, Golde DW, Beckles DL, Mascareno EJ, Siddiqui MAQ (2004) Vitamin C inhibits hypoxia-induced damage and apoptotic signaling pathways in cardiomyocytes and ischemic hearts. Free Radic Biol Med 37(9):1419-1429.
18.Mathew S, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2004) A ternary complex of transcription factors, Nished and NFATc4, and co-activator p300 bound to an intronic sequence, intronic regulatory element, is pivotal for the up-regulation of myosin light chain-2v gene in cardiac hypertrophy. J Biol Chem 279(39):41018- 41027.
19.Guo Y, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2004) Distinct components of Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway mediate the regulation of system and tissue localized rennin-angiotensin system. Mol Endocrinol 18:1033-1041.
20.El-Adawi H, Deng L, Tramontano A, Smith S, Mascareno E, Ganguly K, Castillo R, El-Sherif N (2003) The functional role of the JAK-STAT pathway in postinfarction remodeling. Cardiovasc Res 57(1):129-138.
21.Mascareno E, El-Shafei M, Maulik N, Sato M, Guo Y, Das DK, Siddiqui MAQ (2001) JAK/STAT signaling is associated with cardiac dysfunction during ischemia and reperfusion. Circulation 104(3):325-329.
22.Mascareno E, Dhar M, Siddiqui MAQ (1998) Signal transduction and activator of transcription (STAT) protein-dependent activation of angiotensinogen promoter: a cellular signal for hypertrophy in cardiac muscle. Proc Natl Acad Sc USA 95(10):5590-5594.
23.Dhar M, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (1997) Two distinct factor-binding elements in cardiac myosin light chain 2 gene are essential for its repression in skeletal muscle. Isolation of cDNA clone for repressor protein Nished. J Biol Chem 27:18490-18497.
Invited Speaker:
1. Coronary Artery Disease Congress-ICCAD Chairperson and Speaker. Focus session: Molecular Biology and Basic Signaling Mechanisms October 13 – 16, Florence, Italy 2013.
2. Coronary Artery Disease Congress-ICCAD Chairperson and Speaker. Focus session: Molecular Biology and Basic Signaling Mechanisms October 23 – 26, Venice, Italy 2011.
3. Indo-US Bilateral Workshop “ Modulation of the transcription elongation machinery influences mitochondrial activity during myocardial ischemia”. Redox Signalling in Degenerative Diseases. December 19 – 21, Manesar-Gurgaon, India 2009.
4. American Heart Association “Leptin a novel regulator of cardiac hypertrophy”. Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Cardiac Hypertrophy/Failure. November 17 – 20, Chicago, IL.USA 2002.
5. 14th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease “Cardiac diseases and the Jak/Stat pathway”. October 21 – 24, Prague, Czech Republic 2001.
6. “Leptin a regulator of cardiovascular disease”. Symposium on Impact of Molecular Biology on Cardiovascular and Muscle Disease State University of New York-SUNY Downstate at Brooklyn, NY USA 2000.
7. Drug, enzymes and receptors of the Renin-Angiotensin System. “The Jak/Stat pathway a regulator of the heart autocrine RAS system”. Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute 2nd International Symposium, July 13 – 15, Sydney, Australia.1998.
1996 Ph.D. SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA
1986 B.Sc. Biochemistry/Medical Technology-Universidad Austral de Chile
2010 — present Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1999-2009 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology.
SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1996-1998 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Cardiovascular and
Muscle Research, SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1988-1990 Research Instructor, SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
1986-1988 Research Assistant, Avian Pathology, University Austral
of Chile
Other Appointments
2013 to present President MedHeximLLC
Diagnostic and Therapeutics East Northport, NY
2013 Adjunct Professor
Spring 2013 Adelphi University Human Genetics
2012 Adjunct Professor
Fall 2012 SUNY College at Old Westbury Basic Biology 1
2012 – 2013 Lecturer
SUNY Downstate Medical School MS1 Musculoskeletal block
“Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function”
2007 – 2008 Lecturer
SUNY Downstate Medical School MS2 Gastrointestinal block
“Acquired and Adaptive Immunity of the Gastrointestinal System”
2007 – 2014 Instructor
SUNY Downstate Medical School MS2 Microbiology Laboratory
Theses Co-Advisor-School of Graduate Studies at SUNY-Downstate Medical Center.
2007 to 2010 Cross-talk between calcineurin/NFAT and Jak/Stat signaling
induces cardioprotective alpha crystalline gene expression in
response to hypertrophic stimuli. Ph.D. Degree Irena Manukian
2004 to 2007 CLP-1 associates with MyoD and HDAC to restore skeletal muscle cell regeneration. Ph.D. Degree Josephine Galatioto
2004 to 2007 Pivotal role of cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) in transcriptional
elongation factor P-TEFb complex formation in cardiac
hypertrophy. Ph.D. Degree Dr. Jorge Espinoza-Derout
2004 to 2006 Effective attenuation of pressure overload hypertrophy
development by specific inhibition of Jak2 kinase activity in vivo.
Ph.D. Degree Dr. Daniel Beckles MD. Ph.D.
2001 to 2004 Dehydroascorbic acid inhibits hypoxia-induced damage in
cardiomyocytes and ischemic hearts. Ph.D. Degree Dr. Victor
2000 to 2004 Activation of Jak/Stat pathway for the regulation of
angiotensinogen expression: a mechanism for control of the renin
angiotensin system in liver. PhD Degree Dr. Yueling Guo.
2003 First patent award – Research Foundation, State University
of New York, USA.
1994 American Society of Cell Biology, Travel Fellowship.
1993 Graduate Fellowship, State University of New York, USA.
Funding History
New York Department of Health
2015-present: Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Title: Characterization of Hexim1 as a biomarker in prostate
PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD
Funding: $85,000
2015-present: Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Title: Molecular Analysis of Cardio-metabolic Diseases
PI: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD
Co-PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD
Funding: SUNY DMC $50,000 initial start-up
VA Merit Award:
2012 to 2017 The role of CLP-1 in cardiac Fibrosis and heart failure.
Total $ 1,000,000.00
Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
PI: Dr. MAQ Siddiqui,PhD
Co-PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD
As a co-PI at Dr. MAQ Siddiqui’s lab, I conceived,
contributed and drafted this proposal.
2013 Hexim-1 as a target of leptin signaling regulates obesity
and diabetes.US PCT/US2013/045985.
2012 Method for diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
US PCT/US2012/030105.
2011 Methods of treating or preventing rna polymerase dependent viral
disorders by administration of Jak2 inhibitors- PCT Patent
2007 Method for reducing hypertension and heart failure
US Patent 7,235,588.
2002 Method for reducing hypertrophy and ischemia
US Patent 6,433,018.
1. Mascareno E, Gupta R, Martello LA, Dhar-Mascareno M, Salciccioli L, Beckles
D, Walsh MG, Machado FS, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2017) Rapidly
progressive course of Trypanosome cruzi infection in mice heterozygous for
hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible 1 (Hexim1) gene. Microbes Infect.
S1286-4579(17) 30145-4 PMID 28951318.
2. Dhar-Mascareno M, Rozenberg I, Iqbal J, Hussain MM, Beckles D, Mascareno
E. (2017) Hexim1 heterozygosity stabilizes atherosclerotic plaque and decreases
steatosis in ApoE null mice fed atherogenic diet. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 83: 56-
64. PMID 28013147
3. Dhar-Mascareno M, Ramirez SN, Rozenberg I, Rouille Y, Kral JG, Mascareno
EJ. (2016) Hexim1, a novel regulator of Leptin function, modulates obesity and
glucose disposal. Mol Endocrinol 30(3): 314-24. PMID: 26859361
4. Martello LA, Wadgaonkar R, Gupta R, Machado FS, Walsh MG, Mascareno E, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2013) Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi
infectivity, proliferation, and cytokine patterns in gut and pancreatic epithelial cells maintained in vitro. Parasitol Res. 2013 112 (12) 4177-83.
5. Mascareno E, Galatioto J, Rozenberg I, Salciccioli L, Kamran H, Lazar JM, Liu
F, Pedrazzini T, Siddiqui MA. (2012) Cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) regulates cardiac remodeling via transcriptional modulation of diverse hypertrophic and fibrotic responses and angiotensin II-transforming growth factor β (TGF-β1)
signaling axis. J Biol Chem. Apr 13; ; 287(16):13084-93.
6. Mascareno EJ, Belashov I, Siddiqui MA, Liu F, Dhar-Mascareno M.(2012)
Hexim-1 modulates androgen receptor and the TGF-β signaling during the
progression of prostate cancer. Prostate. Jun 15;72(9):1035-44
1. Mascareno E, Gupta R, Martello LA, Dhar-Mascareno M, Salciccioli L, Beckles
D, Walsh MG, Machado FS, Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2017) Rapidly
progressive course of Trypanosome cruzi infection in mice heterozygous for
hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible 1 (Hexim1) gene. Microbes Infect.
S1286-4579(17) 30145-4 PMID 28951318.
2. Dhar-Mascareno M, Rozenberg I, Iqbal J, Hussain MM, Beckles D, Mascareno
E. (2017) Hexim1 heterozygosity stabilizes atherosclerotic plaque and decreases
steatosis in ApoE null mice fed atherogenic diet. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 83: 56-
64. PMID 28013147
3. Dhar-Mascareno M, Ramirez SN, Rozenberg I, Rouille Y, Kral JG, Mascareno
EJ. (2016) Hexim1, a novel regulator of Leptin function, modulates obesity and
glucose disposal. Mol Endocrinol 30(3): 314-24. PMID: 26859361
4. Martello LA, Wadgaonkar R, Gupta R, Machado FS, Walsh MG, Mascareno E,
Tanowitz HB, Haseeb MA. (2013) Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi
infectivity, proliferation, and cytokine patterns in gut and pancreatic epithelial
cells maintained in vitro. Parasitol Res. 2013 112 (12) 4177-83.
5. Mascareno E, Galatioto J, Rozenberg I, Salciccioli L, Kamran H, Lazar JM, Liu
F, Pedrazzini T, Siddiqui MA. (2012) Cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) regulates
cardiac remodeling via transcriptional modulation of diverse hypertrophic and
fibrotic responses and angiotensin II-transforming growth factor β (TGF-β1)
signaling axis. J Biol Chem. Apr 13; ; 287(16):13084-93.
6. Mascareno EJ, Belashov I, Siddiqui MA, Liu F, Dhar-Mascareno M.(2012)
Hexim-1 modulates androgen receptor and the TGF-β signaling during the
progression of prostate cancer. Prostate. Jun 15;72(9):1035-44.
7. Galatioto J, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2010) CLP-1 associates with MyoD
and HDAC to restore skeletal muscle regeneration. J Cell Sci. 2010, 123: 3789-
8. Manukyan I, Galatioto J, Mascareno E, Bhaduri S, Siddiqui MAQ (2010) Crosstalk
between Calcineurin/NFAT and Jak/STAT signaling induces cardioprotective
B-crystallin gene expression in response to hypertrophic stimuli J Cell Mol Med
8. Gurusamy N, Lekli I, Ahsan MK, Ray D, Mukherjee S, Mascareno E, Siddiqui
MAQ, and Das DK. (2010) Downregulation of Cardiac Lineage Protein-1 confers
cardioprotection through the upregulation of Redox effectors FEBS Letters
584:187- 193.
9. Mascareno E, Beckles D, Dhar-Mascareno M, Siddiqui MAQ (2009) Enhanced
hypertrophy in ob/ob mice due to an impairment in expression of atrial natriuretic
peptide. Vasc Pharmacol 51: 198-204.
10. Epinoza-Derout J, Wagner M, Salciccioli L, Lazar JM, Bhaduri S, Mascareno E,
Chaqouir B, Siddiqui MA (2009) Positive transcription elongation factor B
activity in compensatory myocardial hypertrophy is regulated by cardiac lineage
protein-1. Circ Res 104: 1347-1354.
11. Dhar-Mascareno M, Mascareno E, Golde D (2009) Early signaling by VEGF
and PIGF in human bone marrow derived endothelial cells in mediated by
superoxide. J Vasc Res 46: 601-608.
12. Mascareno E, Manukyan I, Das DK, Siddiqui MAQ (2009) Downregulation of
cardiac lineage protein (CLP-1) expression in CLP-1 +/- mice affords
cardioprotection against ischemic stress. J Cell Mol Med 13(8B):2744-53.
13. Mathew S, Galatioto J, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2009) Repression of the
cardiac Myosin light chain-2 gene in skeletal muscle requires site specific
association of antithetic regulator, Nished, and HDACs. J Cell Mol Med
14. Espinoza-Derout J, Wagner M, Shahmiri K, Mascareno E, Chaqour B, Siddiqui
MA (2007) Pivotal role of cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) in transcriptional
elongation factor P-TEFb complex formation in cardiac hypertrophy. Cardiovasc
Res 75:129-138.
15. Beckles DL, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2006) Inhibition of Jak2
phosphorylation attenuates pressure overload cardiac hypertrophy. Vascul
Pharmacol 45:350-357.
16.Mascareno E, Beckles DL, Siddiqui MAQ (2005) Janus Kinase-2 signaling
mediates apoptosis in rat cardiomyocytes. Vascul Pharmacol 43(5):327-335.
17.Guaiquil VH, Golde DW, Beckles DL, Mascareno EJ, Siddiqui MAQ (2004)
Vitamin C inhibits hypoxia-induced damage and apoptotic signaling pathways in
cardiomyocytes and ischemic hearts. Free Radic Biol Med 37(9):1419-1429.
18.Mathew S, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2004) A ternary complex of
transcription factors, Nished and NFATc4, and co-activator p300 bound to an
intronic sequence, intronic regulatory element, is pivotal for the up-regulation of
myosin light chain-2v gene in cardiac hypertrophy. J Biol Chem 279(39):41018-
19.Guo Y, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (2004) Distinct components of Janus
kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway mediate
the regulation of system and tissue localized rennin-angiotensin system. Mol
Endocrinol 18:1033-1041.
20.El-Adawi H, Deng L, Tramontano A, Smith S, Mascareno E, Ganguly K, Castillo
R, El-Sherif N (2003) The functional role of the JAK-STAT pathway in postinfarction
remodeling. Cardiovasc Res 57(1):129-138.
21.Mascareno E, El-Shafei M, Maulik N, Sato M, Guo Y, Das DK, Siddiqui MAQ
(2001) JAK/STAT signaling is associated with cardiac dysfunction during
ischemia and reperfusion. Circulation 104(3):325-329.
22.Mascareno E, Dhar M, Siddiqui MAQ (1998) Signal transduction and activator of
transcription (STAT) protein-dependent activation of angiotensinogen promoter: a
cellular signal for hypertrophy in cardiac muscle. Proc Natl Acad Sc USA
23.Dhar M, Mascareno E, Siddiqui MAQ (1997) Two distinct factor-binding
elements in cardiac myosin light chain 2 gene are essential for its repression in
skeletal muscle. Isolation of cDNA clone for repressor protein Nished. J Biol
Chem 27:18490-18497.
Invited Speaker:
1. Coronary Artery Disease Congress-ICCAD Chairperson and Speaker. Focus session:
Molecular Biology and Basic Signaling Mechanisms October 13 – 16, Florence, Italy
2. Coronary Artery Disease Congress-ICCAD Chairperson and Speaker. Focus session:
Molecular Biology and Basic Signaling Mechanisms October 23 – 26, Venice, Italy
3. Indo-US Bilateral Workshop “ Modulation of the transcription elongation machinery
influences mitochondrial activity during myocardial ischemia”. Redox Signalling in
Degenerative Diseases. December 19 – 21, Manesar-Gurgaon, India 2009.
4. American Heart Association “Leptin a novel regulator of cardiac hypertrophy”.
Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Cardiac Hypertrophy/Failure. November 17 – 20,
Chicago, IL.USA 2002.
5. 14th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease “Cardiac diseases and the
Jak/Stat pathway”. October 21 – 24, Prague, Czech Republic 2001.
6. “Leptin a regulator of cardiovascular disease”. Symposium on Impact of Molecular
Biology on Cardiovascular and Muscle Disease State University of New York-SUNY
Downstate at Brooklyn, NY USA 2000.
7. Drug, enzymes and receptors of the Renin-Angiotensin System. “The Jak/Stat pathway
a regulator of the heart autocrine RAS system”. Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
2nd International Symposium, July 13 – 15, Sydney, Australia.1998.